A prestigious qualification for the world of work.

ALMA affirms its authority and reliability as a higher education centre in the hotel and catering sector through the awards it has earned and the certifications achieved for its courses:

  • Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione Università e Ricerca (MIUR – Ministry of Education): The ALMA School is an international point of reference as a Higher Education Centre for training Italian Cookery professionals;
  • ALMA is certified by the Emilia Romagna under code 5290 for training programmes
  • ALMA works with the Istituto italiano per Il commercio Estero (ICE) (Italian Chamber of Commerce for Overseas Trade) to promote Italy’s food and agricultural heritage around the world;
  • ALMA works with the University of Parma to promote the region;
  • Memorandum of Understanding with EXPO 2015 “Feeding the planet – Energy for life”: recognised as “EXPO Ambassador”, ALMA ran the educational programme EXPO 2015 to raise awareness among students and teachers on these topics, contents and implementation of the Expo;
  • ALMA is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 by SGS Italia spa for design and performing of training courses for restaurant and hospitality business operator. Design and management of team-building programs, conventions for companies and commercial organizations, and cultural and enogastronomic events.
  • ALMA participates in the steering committees of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World and Parma City of Gastronomy.
  • ALMA received the prestigious Tourism Award in the Italian Cuisine category in 2016, awarded by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in China; the award was collected on our behalf by Chef, Carlo Cracco
  • ALMA has received the CRIBIS Prime Company Recognition as Company with the Maximum Commercial Reliability