In this difficult time, ALMA’s focus is on ensuring safety and protecting the health of all, from the students to the staff and the visitors in full compliance with regulations.
Eager to restart as soon as possible, today we have defined a detailed and responsible protocol to safely resume our activity.
ALMA’s protocol details with sense of responsibility and in clear terms the educational and work life at the International School of Italian Cuisine.
The document has been drafted by a work group made of ALMA, the Gelati Group and qualified experts in the catering and hospitality educational sector with the supervision of the competent physician. The document has also been shared with ALMA’s Workers’ Safety Representatives (RLS), which represents all the workers.
The protocol implements the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and other competent Institutions on this matter and contains guidelines designed to facilitate ALMA in adopting infection-prevention safety protocols to counter and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus in work environments.
Our goal is to restart the educational activity in conditions that ensure adequate protection levels to employees, students, suppliers and visitors.
We have chosen a “precautionary principle” in adopting virtuous and scientifically proven behaviours, which means control of the risk and, at the same time, learn to live with the difficulties caused by the pandemic.
ALMA’s didactics and the organization of the work have been drastically modified to fully comply with the safety standards required.
ALMA is an Academy where the essential part of the teaching is carried out in hands-on lab activity. Unlike most other schools, switching and completely replacing some of the teachings to online mode is rather difficult in our specific context. The School’s high technological and digital standard has indeed allowed us to carry on didactic contents via an e-learning platform and, from the organizational and management standpoints, it has fostered ways and tools of individual smart working between the various departments.
ALMA’s urgency to return to operations is for us also an opportunity to give an important contribution in terms of education and information about the dissemination of reference models and good practices to the entire restaurant and catering sector, while complying with no.1 requirement of the anti Covid-19 shared Protocol.
Thanks to its teaching staff, its structure and technology, ALMA is ready to serve a sector that has been very severely hit by the current crisis. The food service sector is in need of urgent action to adjust to the new standards that protect the health and safety of customers and workers and also to completely innovate its offer.
◊ A first part, called Action Plan, describes in analytical terms the tools, behaviours and investments that ALMA is going to implement in order to restart its face-to-face teaching activity. Each one of the 10 actions consists of 2 macro-areas: Objective and Structural and organizational Project.
◊ The second chapter is dedicated to Control Plan and Monitoring.
◊ The third is about the Project Partners.
◊ The fourth lists References and Sources used for bibliography.