Shades of tortello
For pasta
- 400 gr flour type 00
- 100 gr Semolina
- 220 gr yolk
- 105 gr egg white
For the stuffing with porcini mushrooms
- 3 medium-sized porcini mushrooms
- 100 gr of sheep ricotta
- 25 gr of Parmesan cheese
- Grated Culatello to taste
- 20 gr of breadcrumbs
For the pioppini mushroom filling
- 75g of pioppini mushrooms
- 100g of sheep ricotta
- 25g of Parmesan cheese
- Grated Culatello to taste
- 20 gr of breadcrumbs
- Thyme, salt and pepper to taste
For the chanterelle mushroom filling
- 75g of chanterelle mushrooms
- 100g of sheep ricotta
- 25g of Parmesan cheese
- Grated Culatello to taste
- 20g of breadcrumbs
- Salt, pepper, wild sage to taste
Clean the mushrooms carefully and remove any earth residues, sauté with a little butter, garlic, salt and the type of grass, degrease and deglaze to obtain a base. Reduce to sauce, set aside two slices of each mushroom that will go on each type of tortello.
Subsequently to each type of mushroom add ricotta, parmesan, breadcrumbs, grated culatello, salt and pepper, stuff and close with three different shapes based on the filling.
Finally cook in abundant salted water at 100 °.
Arrange the three types of tortello in a deep plate, according to its filling, add the same mushroom on top and the same herb. Finish the dish with a few drops of sauce.