VI Week of Italian Cuisine in the World: an exclusive cycle of digital masterclasses by ALMA

From 22 to 28 November, 5 digital masterclasses by ALMA Masters

to illustrate the traditions, products and culture of Italy’s great gastronomic culture.


The partnership between ALMA and the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, the international event dedicated to the protection and promotion of Italian cuisine and products around the world, is renewed every year. Aforum that involves various operators in the food and wine sectorr to align projects, intentions and activities and to address foreign institutions and companies in a united manner.

Conceived and carried out under the aegis of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ICE – Italian Trade Agency, the project has always seen ALMA as one of the protagonists of the activities, with educational and training purposes, both for the unity of intentions with the players involved, and for the School’s ability to address the international market from a popular and relational point of view.

“ALMA – explains its President and CEO Enzo Malanca – has always had the objective of being a development tool for Italian food products, which are now widespread and easy to find in almost every corner of the world, but above all, creating professionals of Italian cuisine who are able to spread itby means of ability, will and professionalism, recognising and enhancing its quality and characteristics.

From the very beginning, the School’s activities have also been oriented towards an international level, because in order to promote our products it is certainly necessary to get them to every corner of the world, but it is even more essential to have catering professionals who can interpret and explain them abroad.

The Week of Italian Cuisine in the World has always been an expression of these intentions and it is for this reason that we are once again proudly on board of this project’.

If in the past the objectives of SCIM were translated into events, masterclasses and showcooking held all over the world by the numerous ALMA Chef Ambassadors, today the current situation at international level requires the adoption of alternative ways of participation, as already experimented for the 2020 edition.

This is how ALMA, on the wave of the excellent results achieved in past editions, has created a new exclusive cycle of 5 masterclasses in English inspired by this year’s theme, “Tradition and Perspectives of Italian Cuisine: Awareness and Enhancement of Food Sustainability”, according to the guidelines given by MAECI with the General Direction for the Promotion of the Country System.

This cycle of masterclasses aims to focus mainly on the products and traditions that distinguish Italy’s food and wine heritage. A digital journey through products and flavours where you can understand the scope of what Made in Italy represents. The leitmotid of this series of appointments will be the theme of gastronomic and environmental sustainability, which will be highlighted through the various topics covered in the lessons.. This initiative will be conveyed through ALMA’s digital platform from which it will be possible not only to view the individual episodes but also to download a valuable bibliographic document, in which the international audience can find in-depth information on the subject.

Below is a specification of the titles and topics covered:

  1. Discover history through the taste – History of the typical Italian gastronomy
  2. The name of the excellence – Made in Italy – the Italian Raw material & Terroir
  3. From north to the south, walking in the street – Italian street food
  4. The liquid side of the gastronomy – The great experience of pairing
  5. It’s coffee time! – History, tradition and culture in the coffee world.


The project in its entirety will also be illustrated during the SCIM presentation event on 18 November in Rome, at the Farnesina, in the presence of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Luigi Di Maio, and the Ministers for Economic Development, Agriculture and Education.




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